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IRS Tax Attorneys
Tax Levy | Tax Fraud | IRS Audit Defense | Tax Settlements


Downingtown Tax Resolution

No one wants to get on the wrong side of the law, especially if it means going against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Tax violations will always result in penalties and if you won’t get an expert defense attorney—incarceration for criminal charges like tax evasion.

irs attorneyUnfortunately, even the most careful people can commit mistakes on their tax returns or even miss filing and paying their taxes due to unforeseen circumstances. So whenever you find yourself having any kind of trouble with your tax responsibilities, work with Defense Tax Partners right away!

We have Downingtown tax resolution experts who can help you settle any dispute with the IRS or with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. Our in-depth knowledge of both federal and state tax laws will allow us to maximize your chances of reaching a favorable tax settlement.

From helping you reduce your tax liabilities to proving that you didn’t purposely evade paying your taxes, our legal services will be personalized to match your unique needs.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (215) 608-3121 for your Free Consultation with a Downingtown Tax Resolution expert!

Resolving Tax Debt

There are many reasons why taxpayers get behind their tax payments and incur an enormous tax debt plus penalties over the years. However, the IRS will still pursue you until you finally pay off your debts regardless of your reason. If a long time has passed and you still haven’t made a move to satisfy your liabilities, they may resort to seizing your assets as payment.

Fortunately, the IRS recognizes genuine financial hardship and offers various programs to help taxpayers settle their debts. Our Downingtown tax resolution experts will not only help you identify the best option to apply for but will also handle your application to ensure its approval.

Depending on your earning potential and current financial capacity, you can choose to apply for one of the following tax debt relief options:

  1. Installment Agreement
  2. Currently Not Collectible Status
  3. Offer in Compromise Program
  4. Filing for Bankruptcy
  5. Innocent Spouse Relief
  6. Penalty Abatement

If applicable, we can also establish that the statute of limitations for collecting your tax debts has already passed. This means that the IRS can no longer come after you, and your debts are legally eliminated.

Establishing IRS Audit Defense

As a way of ensuring that taxpayers are paying their right amount of taxes, the IRS constantly runs its system to check for discrepancies in everyone’s account. Although your chances of getting audited as an individual taxpayer are very slim, you might trigger the tax audit process due to several reasons.

florida tax attorneyThese reasons can be one of the following:

  1. Clerical errors
  2. Unreported income
  3. Disproportionate or unusually high deductions (e.g., charitable donations, business expenses, home office deductions)
  4. Reporting non-existing dependants
  5. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
  6. Self-employment with excessive reported losses

Defense Tax Partners can help you prepare for a tax audit regardless of what triggered the process. We will assess your entire financial records before submitting them to the IRS, knowing beforehand what they’ll find and what their next action will be. This way, we can guide you accordingly and can properly prepare for how to minimize any penalty that may be imposed.

Creating a Strong Tax Fraud Defense

Facing a tax fraud allegation is never a pleasant experience. The entire investigation and prosecution process can be emotionally and mentally exhausting, even if you are innocent of any fraudulent act all along. Fortunately, Defense Tax Partners has expert tax fraud defense lawyers who can make this battle the least stressful it can be.

We will carefully examine all the facts in your case: the nature of the allegations you are facing, the severity of your alleged tax violation, the evidence held by the IRS against you, and what evidence we can present to prove your lack of fraudulent intent.

Some of the most common defenses that we utilize are:

  1. Insufficient evidence
  2. Unintentional mistake
  3. Entrapment
  4. Statute of limitations

If what’s in the list above won’t suffice for your specific situation, you can trust that our personalized legal defense service will utilize other effective ways of dismissing your charge or toning your penalties down to the minimum.

Reliable and Trusted Tax Law Firm

Defense Tax Partners is composed of expert tax lawyers committed to providing top-notch and comprehensive Downingtown tax resolution services. Our goal is to help every individual and business taxpayer better fulfill their tax responsibilities without necessarily adding to their financial burden.

Tax AttorneysRegardless of the tax issue and the complexity of the case, our legal service will be tailored to meet the specific needs of each of our clients. We will proactively represent them and put their interests forward—all through a service that can be acquired at a reasonable rate.

Even better, we don’t only handle the tax concerns addressed above. We also offer legal assistance for any of the following issues:

  1. Tax relief
  2. Tax return preparation
  3. Tax lien removal
  4. Bank levy removal
  5. Wage garnishment removal
  6. Passport reinstatement

Don’t hesitate to contact Defense Tax Partners if you have any inquiries about your tax obligations. No matter what pressing issue you’re currently dealing with, trust that our tax resolution experts can help you clear your problem.

Free Consultation Today

Efficient taDowningtown Tax Resolution defense tax partners logo 300x65x management is one step closer to financial stability and stress-free life. Defense Tax Partners can help you achieve this by helping you resolve any current tax issue that you’re facing and giving you guidelines on how to avoid any other tax problems in the future.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (215) 608-3121 for your Free Consultation with a Downingtown Tax Resolution expert!