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Pennsylvania IRS Audit Defense Attorney

Whether as an individual or an owner of a business, you may find yourself facing a tax audit from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). When you do, you must get assistance from an expert IRS audit defense attorney to get through the legal process in the least stressful way possible.

audit defense and tax fraud attorneyOnly a tiny percentage of the population will ever be audited by the IRS. From huge incomes to discrepancies in tax returns, several factors may lead the IRS to audit your taxes. If you happen to receive an IRS audit notice, it is imperative that you prepare for your next legal actions with a reputable Pennsylvania IRS audit defense attorney.

Defense Tax Partners has a group of experienced lawyers who know how to navigate the Pennsylvania state law and the federal taxation guidelines. We can help you gather and analyze all the required documentation and prepare for in-depth questioning.

Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to tax audits. The IRS won’t wait for you to be fully prepared before finding out if you failed to pay the exact amount of your tax due. Get the legal assistance that you need from a knowledgeable lawyer today and save yourself from the stress, frustration, and confusion of the process.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (215) 608-3121 for your Free Consultation with a Pennsylvania IRS Audit Defense Attorney!

What is an IRS Tax Audit?

The IRS conducts tax audits in order to assess if you or your business has successfully complied with both state and federal tax laws. This is how they monitor if the government is getting the rightful amount of taxes to keep the system running.

tax settlement and tax levyThere are several techniques that the IRS utilizes to evaluate the accuracy of your tax returns. Before taxpayers are notified about the errors in their returns and the adjustments on their tax amounts, computations shown on each return are carefully verified.

Regardless of the audit procedure, however, our Pennsylvania IRS audit defense attorneys at Defense Tax Partners can help you gather all the necessary documents and prepare for the next legal steps you need to take.

Correspondence audits are conducted by issuing request letters to the taxpayers for the verification of the deductions or exemptions reflected in their returns. This is done to gather relevant information about the few issues found on a taxpayer’s return. It focuses on narrower issues and is completed through written communication, making it a less expensive audit option for the IRS.

Itemized deductions, including interests, taxes, medical expenses, charitable contributions, and miscellaneous deductions, are some of the items that a correspondence audit can verify.

Office audits are audit procedures done in the local offices of the IRS. The process starts with notifying the taxpayer about his requested appearance in the IRS office at a certain date and time. The notice will also include the list of documents that the taxpayer must prepare for the audit. However, if the office was initially set at an inconvenient date, the taxpayer may request a reschedule.

An IRS representative will interview the taxpayer and evaluate their records. Most of the time, office audits are utilized to examine employee business expense, interest expense, casualty and theft loss, medical expense, and rental income and expense.

Field examinations are audit procedures that are done by revenue agents to assess more complicated returns. The process typically starts with either a letter or phone call from a revenue agent. The actual audit will then be conducted at the taxpayer’s business. However, transferring the examination place is possible. You can even request to continue the examination in your own tax attorney’s office.

Tax Audit Defense

Receiving an audit notice from the IRS doesn’t mean you’re already doomed. It indicates, however, that you still have time to prepare an effective defense to keep yourself from added taxes and severe penalties. This is what Defense Tax Partners is here to do.

florida tax attorneyOur team of Pennsylvania IRS audit defense attorneys is thoroughly equipped to represent and defend your rights, making the auditing process less stressful for both you and the authorities. With our extensive knowledge and experience, you can be confident that we can guide you in making well-informed decisions. More importantly, our negotiation skills can help you reach a better settlement with the IRS.

From organizing the required documents, assisting you in IRS back tax settlement negotiation to helping you avoid any other future audits, Defense Tax Partners guarantees quality legal service that will put your finances in a better state.

Additionally, if the audit results turned out to be unfavorable, our audit defense attorneys can also represent you in an appeal. We will meticulously review your case and come up with the best plan applicable, aggressively representing you to reach the most favorable resolution possible for your case.

Tax Audit Legal Support

If you have been notified of an upcoming tax audit, acquiring legal support from an expert Pennsylvania IRS audit defense attorney is essential. Defense Tax Partners can provide you with the much-needed legal support and prepare you for the IRS’ next steps, enabling you to properly answer every question and determine which question should be left unanswered.

Tax AttorneysOur lawyers are knowledgeable in every detail of Pennsylvania and U.S. tax laws. We can provide invaluable counsel and represent you before the IRS. From thorough case evaluations to expert negotiations and assertive representation, Defense Tax Partners guarantees satisfactory legal services.

Some of the services that we offer are the following:

1. Bank Levy Removal
2. Wage Garnishment Removal
3. Offer in Compromise
4. Tax Resolution
5. Penalty Abatement
6. Tax Preparation
7. Audit Representation
8. Innocent Spouse
9. Tax Lien Removal
10. Passport Reinstatement

Our aim is to help every taxpayer avoid unnecessary stress from the IRS. We will gladly assist you as you go through a tax audit as well as through any other tax-related issues. Rest assured that we will make every legal procedure easier for you, helping you improve your finances as quickly as possible.

Let’s Talk Now – Free Consultation

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It can be overwhelming to receive a tax audit notice from the IRS. However, no one ever said you have to face it alone.

If you are looking for an expert lawyer skilled at putting people on the best possible footing before the IRS, Defense Tax Partners is the law firm to work with. We have experienced Pennsylvania defense attorneys, working in a compassionate, efficient, and goal-oriented way for the most satisfying settlement possible for you.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (215) 608-3121 for your Free Consultation with a Pennsylvania IRS Audit Defense Attorney!