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IRS Tax Attorneys
Tax Levy | Tax Fraud | IRS Audit Defense | Tax Settlements


Barnesville Tax Attorney

The filing of taxes is a responsibility that most adults have to deal with. However, taxation involves legal complexities that tend to be hard to navigate. So if you ever find yourself dealing with any tax issue, it is best to immediately acquire the service of a Barnesville tax attorney.

florida tax attorneyAt Defense Tax Partners, our expert attorneys specialize in Barnesville and U.S. taxation laws. We know every regulation and every corresponding penalty to any violation. More importantly, we are skilled at handling any state or federal tax disputes—giving the best possible resolution to all of our clients.

From individuals to big corporations, we can help you stay on the right side of the law. Our services include assistance on tax return preparations and tax planning. We can also represent you in tax appeals in order to resolve issues that may involve tax liens and back taxes, among many others.

If you are in need of a licensed tax attorney who knows the ins and outs of both state and federal tax laws, Defense Tax Partners is here to end your search. With profound knowledge of the law and commitment to eradicating your legal taxation problems, our tax attorneys are great people to work with.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (215) 608-3121 for your Free Consultation with a Barnesville Tax Attorney!

How A Tax Attorney Can Help You

Resolving tax issues is nothing like a walk in the park. It requires vast legal knowledge to properly handle any conflict involving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For you to avoid financially-crippling penalties as well as emotional and mental stress, it is imperative to work with an experienced Barnesville tax attorney.

Defense Tax Partners provides you with a highly skilled lawyer to help deal with your tax problems. From simple assistance to crucial legal representation, our expert attorneys are here to help you.

We aim to make our service as satisfying and stress-free as possible. After a thorough analysis of your situation, our tax attorney will present you with all the possible solutions. We do this by putting your best interests in mind and ensuring that all your rights are protected and exercised.

Rest assured, working with Defense Tax Partners means arriving at the most satisfactory resolution possible for your case.

Prepare For and Contest Tax Audits

irs attorney

Although IRS tax audits are typically not done to everyone, there are several reasons why they might do it to you. Huge income, repeated business losses, rental losses, and discrepancies in divorced couples’ individual tax returns are some of the things that may trigger an IRS audit.

If you receive a notice from the IRS, a tax attorney from Defense Tax Partners can give invaluable service in helping you prepare for the whole audit process. We can guide you in understanding the nature, timing, and scope of the audit. Reviewing your tax history for any transaction or material changes will be taken care of as well.

All the taxes and time periods covered in the audit, along with tax department turnovers and other important documentation, will be carefully analyzed before we hand them over to the auditor. Our tax attorneys will also handle obtaining data requests in writing and completely answering these requests in a timely manner.

Civil Penalty Relief

Declaring the wrong amount of tax due or not paying your taxes on time can make you face civil penalties. Unfortunately, these issues turn out to be pretty common for many people. If this has happened to you as well, Defense Tax Partners’s top-notch tax attorneys can help you find a way through your situation.

If you missed your tax due date, Barnesville law demands a civil penalty of 5% to 25% a month from the date due to the date filed. If it is an underpayment penalty, you will have to pay 3% to 18% per month of your unpaid tax balance from the date filed to the date paid. However, there are ways to not suffer these consequences—especially if it’s your first time committing the violation.

Our tax attorneys are skilled at representing you before the court and providing reasonable arguments on why you missed your payment deadline. Aside from giving you relief from your civil penalty, we also fight to fix your record and help get you back to financial stability again as soon as possible.

Settlement of Federal & State Tax Disputes

tax settlement and tax levyResidents, businesses, corporations, estates, and even non-residents are required by the Barnesville state law to follow certain taxation guidelines. On top of this, everyone still has federal tax laws to keep in mind. If you are facing conflict against any tax authority, Defense Tax Partners can help you get past your problems.

From personal income tax issues to franchise tax, sales tax, and property tax concerns—among many other taxation problems—our lawyers are well-versed in dealing with the law and getting you out of trouble in no time. We even handle fiduciary income tax return issues. Since both the state and federal law impose this tax with vastly different rules, handling it without a lawyer’s expertise may result in some sort of difficulty.

With Defense Tax Partners, you will have an expert tax attorney who can take care of all the necessary legal preparations for the audit and appeal processes. Rest assured, we can clear up your dispute with state or federal tax authorities and lead you to the best resolution possible for your case.

Negotiations on Non-Filing of Taxes Violation

Tax fraud and tax evasion are serious cases that you shouldn’t take lightly. If it’s alreay a bit too late to avoid it and you’ve already been charged by either the state or federal law with tax evasion, acquiring the services of a skilled tax attorney is vital.

If you are found guilty of a misdemeanor, you’re more likely required to pay a fine with a maximum of $1,000 in addition to the cost of prosecution. Imprisonment for up to three years may also be part of your sentence as an addition to or in place of the fine. You may even face a fine and imprisonment.

It is up to the court to determine the severity of your crime and its corresponding punishment. Our job is to represent you in an aggressive and reasonable way, urging the court to rule in your favor. Some of the most common defenses to tax evasion charges include:

  1. Lack of knowledge
  2. Honest mistake
  3. Entrapment
  4. Insufficient evidence
  5. Insanity.

Regardless of your situation, Defense Tax Partners guarantees that we can give an expert assessment of your financial documents and other circumstantial factors, and represent you diligently to achieve the best possible resolution for your case. Whether we need to negotiate for a payment plan, offer a compromise, or declare a non-collectible status, we will execute the plan that will work best for you.

Reliable Tax Lawyers

Tax AttorneysDefense Tax Partners understands how complicated tax regulations can be. Even more difficult is navigating tricky situations with charges from state or federal tax authorities. This is why each of our Barnesville tax attorneys is trained to manage your case effectively. Our goal is to provide you with a resolution that will give you the least penalty and maximum benefit—financially, mentally, and emotionally.

Aside from negotiating on your behalf once you’ve found yourself in hot water, we are even more invested in keeping you out of trouble in the first place. If you decide to work with us, our skilled tax attorneys can help prepare all the necessary documents for your tax payments and ensure that you pay the right amount at the right time to avoid future tax issues.

Our lawyers can provide legal services including:

1. Tax Resolution
2. Wage Garnishment Removal
3. Offer in Compromise
4. Bank Levy Removal
5. Penalty Abatement
6. Innocent Spouse
7. Audit Representation
8. Tax Preparation
9. Tax Lien Removal
10. Passport Reinstatement

Regardless of the type and depth of the conflict that you’re facing, Defense Tax Partners’s team of Barnesville tax attorneys have the knowledge, skills, and commitment to providing you with the best possible resolution through the least stressful process applicable to your case.

Let’s Talk Now – Free Consultation

Defense Tax Partners logoWhether you are new to tax regulations or in need of aggressive representation to appeal to tax authorities, Defense Tax Partners offers legal services that will keep you on the right side of the law and avoid the maximum penalties for tax-related violations.

From helping in preparation of your tax returns to representing you before the court, our tax attorneys are skilled at getting the job done in the most efficient way possible. To ensure that you get the best legal service, discuss your tax concerns with our lawyers today.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (215) 608-3121 for your Free Consultation with a Barnesville Tax Attorney!